Beauty Set "Full Face"

Including VAT plus shipping
Delivery time: 2-3 days
71,90€ 84,90€

15% discount on beauty set "full face"

Do you get dark circles under your eyes quickly when you're tired or have had a bad night's sleep? And sometimes you think so much that your frown lines appear? Then the beauty set with hyaluronic acid is just right for you! Because with the eye and forehead pads you can say goodbye to bags under your eyes and crow's feet before they settle in for longer. You can use the mouth pads in the nasolabial area or across the upper lip.

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10€ für dich & deine Freunde!

You buy a pad, your beauty buddies buy a pad, everyone gets radiant, smooth skin - and €10! Share your insider tip for fighting wrinkles with your friends and you can all enjoy a €10 discount.