New Year - (New) Me

No more New Year's resolutions - You do you!

Journaling, daily workouts, healthy eating, a better beauty routine?

Are you one of those people who set a thousand goals every year and then end up not keeping any of them? New Year's resolutions are nothing new, but there's definitely something tempting about hitting the reset button and starting the new year with a clean slate.

We put an end to the self-optimization madness!

Sure, in our dreams we jump out of bed in the morning, rested, onto the meditation cushion instead of hanging on our cell phones. Instead of coffee we have lukewarm lemon water, our skin glows and our six-pack is toned. But let's be honest, is that going to happen? And does it even have to?

The typical resolutions never come to fruition anyway. If we don't stick to them in the first few weeks, we either discreetly abandon the resolution or we get frustrated with our lack of self-discipline.

But is my life really that much better if I manage to get up at 6 a.m.? If I have a six-pack but then can't go on a dinner date, does that really mean I have a more fulfilling life? And does my skin actually glow more because I subject it to a comprehensive beauty routine that takes so long that at the end I don't even feel like going out?

We think that from now on we will only do what suits us and what we feel comfortable with. Because at the end of the day, the most important thing is that we are happy with our decisions.

You don't need a 450-step skincare routine, when 1 step (or 1 pad) is enough to give you the most beautiful glow of your life. Easy as that.

This gives you much more time for the things you love.

It's 2022 Baby, you do you.

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